
Programming Timeline

2015 + I started to learn **HTML** and then **CSS** from web guides in Hebrew: (I didn't know English yet) - [htmlguide.co.il](http://www.htmlguide.co.il/) - [devschool.co.il](http://www.devschool.co.il/Guides/html5/html5_HOME.aspx)
2017 + In the summber before 7th grade I learned **Java** in a fun & computers camp. Then, I continued learning **Java** from a Youtube guide in Hebrew: (I didn't know English very well) - [YT-SNAP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDuse0mmTm4&list=PLPjzC7XXuyAlD-JeryvYJ8fjzN-A9s_Ub)
2018 + In the summber before 8th grade I learned **Java** with **Android** in a summer courses of the Ministry of Education, but I didn't like it very much. + With my brother's advices, I continued learning **Java**, then switched to **C#** and built a **Web API** library app on IIS. - [old_library](https://github.com/dvirberlo/old_library) + I started to learn **JavaScript** and **PHP** and developed many websites at [000webhost](https://000webhost.com). + Few of them are (most of them was lost): - [barber-line](https://github.com/dvirberlo/barber-line) - [buylist](https://github.com/dvirberlo/buylist)
2019 + In 9th grade I did **ASM 8086** project for school. - [asm8086_text](https://github.com/dvirberlo/asm8086_text)
2020 + I liked **JavaScript** so in 10th and 11th grades I continued and learned some canvasing with JS and then I learned **NodeJS**: mostly Express & WebSocket and a bit of cryptography with [Heroku](https://heroku.com). - [game](https://github.com/dvirberlo/game) - [simple-aes-ws](https://github.com/dvirberlo/simple-aes-ws) - [rocket-ships](https://github.com/dvirberlo/rocket-ships) - [LiveSnakeGame](https://github.com/dvirberlo/LiveSnakeGame) + I was exposed to the world of open source, and contirbuted here and there. - [firstcontributions PR](https://github.com/firstcontributions/first-contributions/pull/36659) - [litefy](https://github.com/mathkruger/litefy)
2021 + In 12th grade I had the first taste of the rich and wide world of Linux. + I tasted a bit Machine Learning alogside **Python** and then did some of [CS](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science) cources from [OSSU](https://github.com/ossu). - [nand2tetris_project](https://github.com/dvirberlo/nand2tetris_project) - [CS 6-0001](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-0001-introduction-to-computer-science-and-programming-in-python-fall-2016/) + I did a **C#** windows forms application for school. - https://github.com/dvirberlo/periodical_table + Started to use Linux machine (or Linux container, with GitPod) as programming and learning environment.
2022 + Learned [CS-537](https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~remzi/Classes/537/Spring2018/) ([OSSU/CS - Core systems](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science#core-systems)) - [ostep-projects-rust](https://github.com/dvirberlo/ostep-projects-rust) + Played a bit with flutter [ConceptMapper](https://github.com/dvirberlo/concept_mapper) + Finished second part of CS-6.0001 (6.0002) + Learned many things by doing an Angular-Firebase project [OpinionMe](https://github.com/dvirberlo/opinion-me)